Let the games begin
nancy drew
JoinedPosts by nancy drew
M.C. Grammar ( Ode To CoCo)
by rip van winkle inone man, so complex, oh dear, coco.
.. the heavens are missing their brightest of stars!.
.. he's chock full of coffee and nominal phrases,.
View From a Dock
by compound complex inaslant a tarn there dies an oak.
ne'er was meant to edge a pool .
nor shade a verdure plush, but, .
nancy drew
The oaks and elms are on their way
they left one bright and sunny day
no message scribbled on the ground
just shards of bark was all we found
come back to us oh lovely trees
but off they went to see the bees
"Writing . . . is a lonely life."
by compound complex in"writing, at its best, is a lonely life.
organizations for writers palliate the writer's loneliness but i doubt if they improve his writing.
he grows in public stature as he sheds his loneliness and often his work deteriorates.
nancy drew
New Hope and Happiness
Don't encourage me I'm barely under control
What are you reading right now??
by DATA-DOG ini am reading "stranger in a strange land" by robert a. heinlein.
i read it over 20 years ago.
now i am reading it from a completely different perspective.
nancy drew
I'm reading
Ancient technology in Peru and Bolivia by David Hatcher Childress
God Games by Beil Freer
The lost book of Enki by Zecharia Sitchin
Genesis of the cosmos by Paul La Violette
"Writing . . . is a lonely life."
by compound complex in"writing, at its best, is a lonely life.
organizations for writers palliate the writer's loneliness but i doubt if they improve his writing.
he grows in public stature as he sheds his loneliness and often his work deteriorates.
nancy drew
Writing is like singing to me I'm not very good at either one but I enjoy the fun of it. When you use music, singing or maybe art to plunge into the depts of your soul it takes on a whole different dimension. I use those things as a distraction away from deep thought when I need a break from my natural state.
Speaking of distractions we've been watching a new bbc Sherlock Holmes series it's interesting to me to watch Sherlock grow younger as I grow older. My first Sherlock was Basil Rathbone and I was a little girl now he's a young man Benedict Cumberbatch and me well the beatles wrote a song about that age Will you still need me will you stlll feed me when I'm...
How would you compose these facts into sentences?
by compound complex inplease make one sentence each from the following sets of facts:.
1) a man: he's cynical/he's old/he's a bachelor/he's grizzled.
2) a boy: he owns a schwinn bicycle/he's 10 years old/the bike is blue/it's a christmas gift/it has three speeds.
nancy drew
good morning Rip and CoCo
The sun is out and the temperature is rising
How would you compose these facts into sentences?
by compound complex inplease make one sentence each from the following sets of facts:.
1) a man: he's cynical/he's old/he's a bachelor/he's grizzled.
2) a boy: he owns a schwinn bicycle/he's 10 years old/the bike is blue/it's a christmas gift/it has three speeds.
nancy drew
Grammar at your fingertips
shoot it like it's from the hips
You can't miss the mark they say
don't let fear get in the way
write your thoughts upon the page
puncuation is a cage
that keeps the beast from running wild
like a noisey little child
Older, Wiser . . . Jaded. . . .
by compound complex ini try to forget remembrance past, admittedly futile but always worth one more try.
i hit the sheets and tell myself, "this time it's going to work.
i will sleep.
How would you compose these facts into sentences?
by compound complex inplease make one sentence each from the following sets of facts:.
1) a man: he's cynical/he's old/he's a bachelor/he's grizzled.
2) a boy: he owns a schwinn bicycle/he's 10 years old/the bike is blue/it's a christmas gift/it has three speeds.
How would you compose these facts into sentences?
by compound complex inplease make one sentence each from the following sets of facts:.
1) a man: he's cynical/he's old/he's a bachelor/he's grizzled.
2) a boy: he owns a schwinn bicycle/he's 10 years old/the bike is blue/it's a christmas gift/it has three speeds.
nancy drew
As Ben sat in his favorite old chair scratching his grizzled beard he snarled at Danny the neighbor kid who zipped by on his skateboard. It seemed like only yesterday He was riding along on his new shinny blue 3 speed schwinn bike showing off for Mary. Oh Mary that beautiful high school cheerleader with the long red curly hair the sweetheart of Maple Way. The bike was a christmas present From aunt Jean his mother's older sister who gave everyone the best that money could buy, so she was his favorite. As he watched Danny head down the street he wished for a minute that he could change the past and instead of a cynical old bachelor sitting on his porch on a warm afternoon dreaming the impossible dream he could be living his dream. His life a series of missed opportunities and bad decisions and now nothing but dreams. As he began to doze off he was startled by a loud hissing sound as a meteorite crashed into his front yard and Ben's life changed in a blinding flash.